*Blink* 192

I Miss you


I Miss you


I Miss you


I Miss you


«We can live like Jack and Sally if you want» – “I Miss You” ♡

Dress from Bershka


Estou tão orgulhosa do título a que cheguei. Porque hoje é o 192º dia do ano e passou num piscar (blink) de olhos. Não é engraçado? Não? Ok. Continuo orgulhosa 😀 . Se calhar isto tem alguma coisa a ver com o facto de eu ter voltado a ouvir a minha playlist teenage-years-emo recentemente e a “I Miss You” dos Blink-182 talvez faça parte dela? Quem sabe?

Hoje deveria ser o dia em que finalmente iria ver os The Strokes e Two Door Cinema Club ao vivo. Mas mais uma vez… não correu bem como planeado 🙁 . O festival foi cancelado este ano mas tenho esperança que mantenham os mesmos headliners no próximo! Em vez disso, estive a tentar sobreviver os 35 graus de hoje na praia. O que andaram a fazer hoje?


I am so proud of the title I came up with. Because today is the 192th day of the year and it passed in a blink of an eye. Isn’t it funny? No? Ok. Still proud 😀 . Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I have recently started listening to my teenage-years-emo playlist again and “I Miss You” by Blink-182 might be a part of it? Who knows?

Also, today should be the day I was finally going to see The Strokes and Two Door Cinema Club live. But once again… didn’t really go as planned 🙁 . The festival was cancelled this year but hopefully they can maintain the same headliners on the next one! Instead, I have been trying to survive today’s 35 degrees at the beach. What have you been up to today?


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6 thoughts on “*Blink* 192”

  1. You look so beautiful in these photographs. Very artistic photos, they look like an editorial with the wind in the hair and everything. It is such a nice dress as well, suits you so well.
    Your title is clever. I do remember Blink 192, I used to listen to them as a teen too:). Have a nice day beautiful!

  2. I agree. This year flies so fast and not even noticing it. With the pandemic and everything… everything just passes by in a blink of an eye. So sad…
    But anyways, you look so pretty and the dress is so cute!

  3. Sorry about the festival. I’ll be better next year.
    Love that dress on you. It’s so flattering with the shape and the cut.
    I agree, this year has gone by so fast. I don’t even know what I did with it.
    Love your smile!

    Wishing you the best!



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