Oxford Circus

Tivemos a péssima ideia de ir a Oxford Circus numa black Friday… felizmente tudo acabou bem, estou viva! Fomos também ver as luzes de Natal mais tarde no Sábado e eram simplesmente lindas.
We had the terrible idea of going to Oxford Circus on a black Friday… fortunately everything turned out ok, I’m alive! Also, we went to see the Christmas lights later on Saturday and they were just beautiful.

Leicester Square

Com a famosa loja de M&M’s com um cheiro celestial e um mercado de Natal muito fofo!

With the famous M&M’s store that smelled heavenly and a cute Christmas market!

Trafalgar Square
“Vamos àquela praça que tem uns leões fofos lá?” foi assim que eu perguntei à minha irmã se iamos a Trafalgar Square… Não me culpem, adoro leões, eram a única coisa que me lembrava de 2009 ahah
“Are we going to that square that has those cute lions on it?” this is how I asked my sister if we would go to Trafalgar Square… Don’t blame me, I love lions, they’re the only thing I remembered from 2009 ahah

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