Benção das Fitas

Finally finishing my undergraduate degree in Economics!


Que dia! Depois de três anos difíceis, aqui estou eu hoje a escrever-vos como economista oficial.  Tive muitos sentimentos misturados hoje. Li todas as fitas de manhã sentada na relva e estou tão agradecida por todas as pessoas que me acompanharam nesta jornada. Nestas fotos aparecem apenas uma pequena porção dessas pessoas e eu adoro-os a todos. Independentemente do que acontecer daqui para a frente, esta será uma experiência que nunca vou esquecer! Obrigada a vocês também por serem uma parte desta aventura maluca <3.


“Benção das fitas” is a party in Portugal for students who are finishing their undergraduate degree. The ribbons you can see hanging in my case were written by people who were important to me during these last 3 years. The ceremony joins students from all universities in Lisbon to bless them.


What a day! After three hard years, here I am today writing you as an official economist. I had a lot of mixed feeling today. I read all the ribbons in the morning while sitting on the grass and I’m so thankful for all the people who were with me during this journey. In this pictures appears only a small portion of those people and I love them all. No matter what happens from now on, this will be an experience I will never forget! Also, thank you all for being a part of this crazy adventure <3.

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