Vintage Effect

Vintage Effect

Vintage Effect

Vintage Effect


Olá mundoooo! Pareço mais entusiasmada do que o que realmente estou, para ser sincera ahah. Apesar de estar entusiasmada. Mas com medo. Isso é bom, certo?

Disse-vos que queria usar estes dias de férias para organizar a minha cabeça. E acho que, ontem, durante um jantar de 3 horas onde falei de tudo o que me perturba de momento, consegui. Não tenho tudo resolvido ainda (quem tem?) mas pelo menos tenho planos e objetivos concretos para alcançar. Têm alguns para 2020?

Anyway, melhor coisa de estar de férias: tive tempo para tirar fotos ontem! Quando cheguei a casa às 18h fui para o terraço e tirei estas fotos sozinha. O sol estava a pôr-se por isso as luzes estavam lindas! Gostaram do resultado final?


Helloooooo world! I sound more excited than what I actually am, to be honest ahah. Although I am excited. But also scared. That’s good, right?

I’ve told you that I was going to use these vacation days to try and organize my mind. And I think that, yesterday, during a 3 hour dinner where I talked about everything that is currently disturbing me, I finally did. I don’t have everything figured out yet (who does?) but at least I have concrete plans and goals to reach for. Do you have any for 2020?

Anyway, best thing about being on vacations: I had the time to take some pictures yesterday! When I got home at 6pm I went to the rooftop and took this pictures on my own. The sun was setting so the lights were very pretty! Do you like the final result?


So. Follow Catarina Morais on InstagramFacebookBloglovin’ and YouTube! So.

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