King Gardens


King Gardens


King Gardens


«Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.»

King Gardens. King Gardens, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Toda a gente sabe, o Outono é para novos começos. E o quanto eu preciso de um! Espero que esta estação me ajude a deixar ir tudo o que me está a prender de momento. E espero poder ter coragem para fazer todas as coisas novas que eu quero fazer!

Mas o Outono tem tantas outras coisas boas também! As cores, o tempo, as roupas, a comida e as bebidas. As noites de filmes e as sessões de leitura, o som da chuva e o cheiro das velas. Estou tão pronta 🍂 Qual a vossa coisa favorita do Outono?


Everyone knows, Autumn is for new beginnings. And how much I need a new one! I hope this season helps me to let go of all the things that are currently holding me back. And I hope I can have enough courage to do all the new things I want to do!

But Autumn has a lot of other awesome things too! The colors, the weather, the clothes, the food and beverages. The movie nights and book sessions, the sound of the rain and smell of candles. I’m so ready 🍂 What’s your favorite thing about Autumn?


Five Fall essentials.

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