One Week of Outfits #2 One Week of Outfits #2 One Week of Outfits #2


One week of outfits #2

Está na hora de um novo one week of outfits – desta vez edição inverno! Tenho de admitir, nem todas as fotos foram tiradas na mesma semana. Porque nem sempre tenho a sorte de ir sozinha no elevador! Pior que não poder tirar as fotos que quero, só a small talk que tenho de fazer quando vou no elevador com alguém que mal conheço. É o pior!

Penso que o segundo look é o meu favorito. Um look all black com acessórios coloridos nunca falha. Os brincos e a mala saltam à vista e eu adoro brincar com acessórios statement. Qual é o vosso favorito?

One week of outfits #2

It is time for another one week of outfits – this time winter edition! I must admit, not all pictures are from the same week. Because I do not have the chance to go alone in the elevator everyday! Worse than not being able to take the pictures I want, only the small talk I have to do when I take the elevator with someone I barely know. The worse!

I think the second one must be my favorite. An all black look but with colorful accessories never fails! The earrings and the bag really stand out and I just love to play with statement accesories. Which one is your favorite?


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