One of my birthday gifts – I saw Jake Bugg live at EDP Cool Jazz!


Feliz sexta-feira a todos! Tal como vos disse, fui ao EDP Cool Jazz na terça e achei o espaço e o ambiente tão bons que tive de tirar e mostrar-vos algumas fotos! Primeiro que tudo, o festival tem lugar num jardim o que torna tudo melhor.


Happy Friday everyone! As I told you, I went to EDP Cool Jazz on Tuesday and I thought the space and environment were so awesome that I had to take and show you some pictures! First of all, the festival is placed in a garden which makes everything much better.




Antes da abertura da porta principal,  havia uma banda de Jazz lá fora a tocar alguns covers. Eles eram bons!


Before the opening of the main door, there was a Jazz band outside playing some covers. They were good!




The food

Comer em carrinhas de comida é uma das melhores coisas do Verão! Eu escolhi um cachorro desta vez, yum. Tinha muitas outras opções claro, incluindo comida orgânica.


Eating in food trucks is one of the best things in Summer! I went for a hot dog this time, yum. I had many other options ofc, including organic food.




The concert

Agora falando da principal razão que me levou ao festival: Jake! Eu pensei que ele seria o último a tocar mas foi o primeiro! O festival não tem muita gente pelo que torna possível ter concertos mais íntimos. Depois de algumas fotografias, sentei-me na relva a 5 metros dele e aproveitei aquele concerto maravilhoso. Só ele, a guitarra e nada mais. Amoroso. Adorei cada momento, excepto o fim. Ele tocou menos de 1 hora e eu fiquei tãooooo triste ahah. Foi uma ótima noite no geral!

Alguma vez foram a este festival? Gostam do Jake Bugg?


Now talking about the main reason why I went to the festival: Jake! I thought he would be the last one playing but he was the first! This festival doesn’t have a lot of people and that makes possible to have more intimate concerts. After taking some pictures, I sat on the grass, 5 meters away from him and just enjoyed that amazing concert. Just him, the guitar and nothing more. Lovely. I loved every single moment, except the end. He played for less than 1 hour and I got soooooo sad ahah. It was a great night overall!

Have you ever gone to this festival? Do you like Jake Bugg?

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