No amount of anxiety can change the future

No amount of anxiety can change the future

No amount of anxiety can change the future

No amount of anxiety can change the future

No amount of anxiety can change the future

No amount of anxiety can change the future.

When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.


É sempre mais fácil perdoar os erros dos outros do que os meus. Nunca fui pessoa de viver no passado mas as últimas semanas têm sido tão exigentes mentalmente que há demasiada coisa a pesar no meu coração. Não devia ter feito aquilo, devia ter feito isto. E se isto acontecer? E se isto não acontecer? Tenho sempre as expectativas elevadas para tudo na vida mas nada me incomoda mais do que quando eu própria não cumpro essas expectativas. É muito bom que eu tente ser melhor pessoa de dia para dia, acho eu! Mas preciso de compreender que os erros são parte da vida e fazer coisas estúpidas é parte de crescer. A única coisa que eu posso controlar é como me vou comportar daqui para a frente e, ainda assim, cometerei erros.

Li algures o seguinte: Se te stressas demasiado com algo antes de acontecer, basicamente submetes-te ao mesmo duas vezes. Não sei se alguém precisava de ler isto hoje! Mas vai ficar tudo bem.


It is much easier to forgive others mistakes than my own. I was never a person that lives in the past but these last few weeks have been so mentally demanding that a lot of things are weighting in my heart. I shouldn’t have done that, I should have done this. What if this happens? What if this doesn’t happen? I always set the bar high for everything in life but nothing bothers me the most than when I fail to reach this bar my own. It’s very good that I try to be a better person everyday, I think! But I also need to understand that mistakes are part of life and doing stupid things is part of growing up. The only thing I can control is how I behave from now on and still, I will make mistakes.

I have also read somewhere the following: If you stress too much about something before it happens, you basically put yourself through it twice. I don’t know if someone needed to hear this today! But everything will be alright.

So. So.

8 thoughts on “No amount of anxiety can change the future”

  1. Oh you are so right!! And still, at the moment I´m struggling a lot with not stressing too much over the future. I´m going to move overseas (again) and I feel like there are so many things I have to keep in mind.
    have a great day,

    P.S. Beautiful pictures!! 🙂


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