Sushi Sunday






Sushi lunch at Tanaka


Hoje li uma frase que basicamente resume todos os meus Domingos: Sleep until you’re hungry, then eat until you’re sleepy. Este restaurante de Sushi onde costumo ir é um “all you can eat” por isso imaginam o que acontece quando lá vou, certo? ahah.

Aqui vamos nós para outra semana! Ao menos esta tem uma pequena pausa no meio. Nós conseguimos! Tenham uma excelente semana <3


Today I read a quote that pretty much sums up all my Sundays: Sleep until you’re hungry, then eat until you’re sleepy. This Sushi place I usually go is an “all you can eat” so you can imagine what happens when I go there, right? ahah. 

Here we go to another week! At least this one has a little break in the middle (25th of April is a national holiday in Portugal).  We can do this! Have an amazing one <3.

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